Roundup From HAI Heli-Expo and Lunch and Learn with Magellan Jets

Roundup From HAI Heli-Expo and Lunch and Learn with Magellan Jets

Air Charter Guide’s Director, Strategic Accounts Michele Markarian and Product Director Bettina Gentile met with Magellan Jets’ team for a Lunch n Learn at Magellan Jets headquarters in Quincy, Massachusetts. Together, we explored the various tabs and search features on, culminating in a demo of a real trip request brokered from Italy to LHR.

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ACSF Announces New Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Air Charter Safety Foundation (ACSF) is pleased to announce the selection of Mike Graham, Director, Flight Operations, Safety, Security & Standardization at Textron Aviation, as the new ACSF Chairman. Additionally, Joshua Hebert, Founder and CEO of Magellan Jets, was elected the new ACSF Vice-Chairman, beginning July 1, 2018.
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