ACSF Announces New Chairman and Vice-Chairman

The Air Charter Safety Foundation (ACSF) is pleased to announce the selection of Mike Graham, Director, Flight Operations, Safety, Security & Standardization at Textron Aviation, as the new ACSF Chairman. Additionally, Joshua Hebert, Founder and CEO of Magellan Jets, was elected the new ACSF Vice-Chairman, beginning July 1, 2018. Graham succeeds Dennis Fox, Vice President of Safety for Executive Jet Management whose term expired June 30, 2018.

Mr. Graham has been with Textron Aviation for 21 years. Graham is responsible for the safe and secure operations of all flights conducted in support of Textron Aviation, both domestically and internationally. Flight departments include Demonstration, Transportation, Training, Pro-Ownership, Production Flight Test & Delivery across 3 divisions, Engineering/Experimental, and Defense. Mr. Graham directs the Safety Management System (SMS) and its certification, including all safety and security initiatives. Mike holds a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New Mexico.

Mr. Hebert founded Magellan Jets in 2008 with 15 years of experience in finance, marketing, and aviation. His expertise in business start-ups, transformations, search engine optimization, and marketing has enabled him to grow Magellan Jets into the brand it is today. In founding Magellan Jets, Hebert melded his passion for aviation with his knowledge and financial savvy, which he gleaned from starting his career on Wall Street at Paine Webber and Shearson Lehman Brothers.

"Both Mike and Joshua have been invaluable members of the ACSF Executive Committee and Board of Governors," said ACSF President Bryan Burns. "With their knowledge and experience as leaders in the aviation industry, they will continue to support and promote the foundation's ongoing risk management programs."

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