NBAA Launches New Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate Program

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has introduced a Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate program in partnership with ServiceElements International (SEI).

The program will establish a baseline knowledge, identify resources business aviation professionals can rely upon as references and encourage participants to seek more advanced learning in customer service management.

The assessment-based certificate program will provide participants with introductory to mid-level training on the elements of exemplary customer service, including self-paced learning modules covering the most important topics of customer service management. Knowledge checks and a final assessment are also included. Registrants will have a six-month window to complete the course.

The program will be available for purchase in September and course material will be available in January 2025. Pre-registration is now available.

“There is a lot of great training out there, but nothing that really puts it together all in one place,” said Tyler Austin, NBAA senior director of credentialing. “Many of our members were going outside of aviation training for customer service needs, and there wasn’t something that was really designed holistically for the aviation industry, so we quickly realized that there was a need.”

ServiceElements International is the premier business aviation organizational and people-development company focusing on behavioral and interpersonal advancement. SEI, an NBAA Professional Development Program (PDP) provider for more than a decade, has an extensive history working with organizations from all corners of the aerospace, business and general aviation, and hospitality industries to help elevate the power of excellent service.

“Delivering exceptional customer service is at the heart of everything we do in business aviation,” said Bob Hobbi, president and CEO of ServiceElements. “NBAA’s new Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate will give aviation professionals a new understanding of the intense level of customer service required in our industry and will equip them with the tools essential to thinking critically and providing exceptional customer service.”

NBAA Business Aviation Customer Service Certificates are valid indefinitely, and the program is approved for Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) credit. Those who complete the course and pass the final exam will be awarded four points toward their CAM application or CAM recertification.

Learn more about the NBAA Business Aviation Customer Service Certificate program.