DC Aviation: Grand Opening of New Hangar at Munich/Oberpfaffenhofen Airport (EDMO)

DC Aviation presented its new hangar at Oberpfaffenhofen Airport last Wednesday, at an exclusive reception for approximately 130 invited guests. They were able to visit the 400-square-meter VIP lounge with its state-of-the-art conference room and spacious crew area.

A special highlight was a half-hour flight over the region aboard the Zeppelin NT, the most advanced and largest airship in the world.

After an official welcome by Michael Kuhn, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the DC Aviation Group, and Professor Dr. Christian Juckenack, representative of Air Tech Campus Oberpfaffenhofen, the curtain fell away to reveal the 6,000-square-meter aircraft hangar. In cooperation with the AeroVisto Group, Airbus Corporate Jets, Bombardier Business Aircraft, Collins Aerospace, Dassault Aviation, Gulfstream Aerospace, Honeywell, and Leonardo Helicopters, DC Aviation presented an interactive exhibition of business jets, helicopters, and much more. Also on display were four sports cars from SSR Performance, including Dennis Olsen’s number 94, which is sporting the DC Aviation logo as part of a sponsorship during this year’s DTM Tour. The event came to a pleasant conclusion with an exquisite, summery flying buffet in a casual setting.

With its spacious facility at the Oberpfaffenhofen location, DC Aviation is now offering parking for business jets with corresponding aircraft handling and maintenance services, providing each with its own personnel in the exclusive, heated hangar. This is naturally in addition to the 360-degree support in all areas of business jet operation, from in-house staff and crew planning to flight planning to “Base Maintenance (PART 145). All of this is offered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by highly qualified in-house staff.