Gediminas Ziemelis: 2020 Trends

2019 was a challenging year for the aviation industry. The Boeing MAX grounding, the “flight shame” movement, airline bankruptcies and other events impacted annual results. On the bright side, 2019 was the safest of the last five years.

Here are a few trends we can expect the industry to focus on in 2020:


  • Passenger-focused solutions: The global trend toward customer support extends to research, planning, airport experience and more. New technologies continue to improve customers’ experience.
  • Sustainable options: OEMs are investing in ways to reduce aircraft fuel consumption and emissions.
  • Artificial intelligence: Virtual assistants and automated processes will decrease the need for human resources. Machine Learning (ML), data analytics and robotic technology will analyze passenger behavior to improve airport design, customer experience and profitability.
  • Biometrics: Airlines and airports are starting to invest in facial recognition and fingerprint technology in check-in, security, lounge access and boarding.
  • Blockchain technology: Blockchain record systems could improve safety and security operations, as well as increase passenger flow.