NATA and NBAA Support Congressional Efforts to Promote Aviation’s Next Era

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and NATA joined with other aviation groups and unions in voicing support for S.2198, Aviation’s Next Era Act of 2019, also known as the “PLANE Act of 2019.”

The PLANE Act, a bipartisan bill introduced by Sens. James M. Inhofe (R-OK), Chairman of the Armed Services Committee and an avid pilot, and Angus King (I-ME), member of the Armed Services Committee, sets the stage for positive growth and future development for the aviation industry.

“NATA thanks Senator Inhofe for his continued leadership on general aviation issues. The PLANE Act includes a provision that would undo an ill-founded policy that has taken money away from the aviation system for over a decade. This legislation will enable NATA’s members to keep fuel prices competitive, and ensure the tax revenue from jet fuel sales supports aviation system users. We appreciate Senator Inhofe for hearing our concerns and working to solve them," stated NATA President Gary Dempsey.

“The general aviation industry is poised for a critical phase of innovation and progress – an era of advancement not witnessed in decades,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “This legislation would help ensure that general aviation, which is an essential contributor to the nation’s economy, can continue its advancement in a safe and efficient manner for the benefit of all citizens.”

Aviation leaders signed a July 22, 2019 letter supporting the legislation. View the industry letter in its entirety.

The PLANE Act would ensure fairness for pilots by expanding the Pilot’s Bill of Rights, enhancing protections for the aviation community and guaranteeing timely resolution of investigations. These protections would help current and future pilots meet the ongoing challenges related to pilot hiring.

The bill also encourages investment in general aviation infrastructure including hangars and tarmacs by establishing public-private partnership programs at general aviation airports. The legislation recognizes the important role that airports play in national disaster relief efforts, as well as providing new access to funding for airport development and other projects.

The PLANE Act also seeks to provide the fair distribution of aviation federal fuel tax receipts, a portion of which are currently diverted to the Highway Trust Fund. With this change, the PLANE Act would ensure aviation-generated user fees are fully distributed to the Airport and Airway Trust Fund to support aviation-related projects.