NATA Urges Full Funding of Programs to Recruit and Train Aviation Maintenance Technicians

NATA, along with a coalition of 40 other leading aviation organizations, urged the Trump administration to seek full funding of $10 million for programs to recruit and train aviation maintenance technicians. These programs were part of the FAA reauthorization bill and must now get funding through the appropriations process before the Department of Transportation can start providing grants.

We are pleased that President Trump has made career technical education a priority. These programs will help achieve the administration’s workforce development goals as long as the money is included in the administration’s proposed budget, which will be sent to Congress in February. 

NATA and the coalition, representing a broad cross-section of the industry, signed onto the letter to the White House and the Secretary of Transportation in support of both the technician and pilot programs and remain committed to continuing to make a strong case for funding of these programs.