NATA Call to Action: Say NO to FAA Reauthorization Amendment

The aviation business community is under threat from an amendment to the FAA Reauthorization bill (H.R. 4) that would that would create an Aerospace Management Advisory Council to control the nation's air traffic control system. Similar to previous privatization attempts, the amendment takes managerial responsibility of the system out of the FAA in favor of a Council run primarily by airline interests. NATA, along with a formidable community of general aviation organizations, has held strong in our opposition to any language in the House FAA reauthorization bill with the end goal of privatizing our nation’s air traffic control system. This last-minute attempt is the first step in that direction. This amendment impedes the achievement of our collective goals of supporting modernization and FAA reform, and advancing the safety of the national airspace system.

The House of Representatives will soon vote on this detrimental Manager’s Amendment, and we strongly urge the general aviation community to act now.