The Americas Biz Av from White Plains to Montreal to Sao Paulo

We stayed local in June – well, kinda. First, Air Charter Guide’s team met up with business aviation leaders at NBAA’s sold-out White Plains Forum highlighting our industry’s “passion and promise” with a “bustling exhibit floor, the latest aircraft and compelling expert panels”.

Says Michele Markarian, Director, Strategic Accounts: “This might have been the busiest NBAA White Plains Regional yet. Adam Tayani and I enjoyed catching up with you…until next time!” Unfortunately, both missed the annual baseball game field trip hosted by Unique II Worldwide to the New York Mets, who of course won.

Unrelated only in some sense, our local Boston team would like to remind everyone here that another team also won in June, and we proudly wear the Green!!!

Sara Hellon, Director, Strategic Accounts, then traveled to Montreal’s Metropolitan Airport to exhibit at the Canadian Business Aviation Association (CBAA). Sara enjoyed an amazing CBAA welcome reception, hosted by our friends at Execaire Aviation, based out of Montreal and Toronto. The conference featured popular keynote speakers Shane Feldman and Rolland Vincent, both setting the tone for another busy and successful conference.

Next up, LABACE! Sara and Sr. Director Elizabeth Zlitni will take flight to Sao Paulo, Brazil where they’ll be able to greet operators and aviation professionals south of the equator. Make an appointment to find our team at booth #136, August 6-8.