Experts to Spotlight Key Advancements in Bizav Sustainability at 2024 NBAA-BACE

The year’s most important developments driving business aviation’s push to net-zero carbon emissions will be in focus for the leaders gathered to put a spotlight on sustainability at the 2024 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE), taking place Oct. 22-24 in Las Vegas.

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Las Vegas Airports to Offer Sustainable Aviation Fuel for Flights From NBAA’s 2023 Convention

Aircraft flying into Las Vegas’ three airports for the 2023 National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) will have an opportunity to fuel up with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), an innovation central to the industry’s goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions in the years to come.

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NBAA Welcomes ICAO Adoption of Long-Term Net-Zero Carbon Emissions Goals

The National Business Aviation Association and the global aviation community welcome the long-term goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, adopted by governments gathered for the 41st International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly this week in Montreal, Canada.

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