NBAA’s ‘CLIMBING. FAST.’ Hill Day Highlights Business Aviation’s Value With New Congress

A recent CLIMBING. FAST. Capitol Hill Fly-In mobilized business aviation advocates from across the country for face-to-face meetings with congressional lawmakers to underscore the industry’s value to citizens, companies and communities as a new Congress prepares to take up legislative proposals critical to the industry.

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Aviation Community Unites in Support of a Safe, Resilient and Modernized ATC System

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has joined with 33 other stakeholder groups representing the broad spectrum of aviation in sending a letter urging Congress to fund improvements to air traffic controller hiring and system modernization, to enhance the safety and efficiency of the National Airspace System.

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NATA's Castagna Testifies Before House Aviation Subcommittee, Providing Insight on Securing the Successful Future of General Aviation

National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President and CEO Curt Castagna testified before the House Aviation Subcommittee to discuss solution-focused proposals that secure a vibrant future for general aviation. In the testimony, NATA highlights the critical importance of FAA Reauthorization legislation that will maintain the security and increase the resiliency of the National Airspace System while refining the focus and improving the efficiency of its regulatory agency.

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