BBGA CEO Marc Bailey is This Year’s Outstanding Contribution to Aviation Award Recipient

BBGA CEO Marc Bailey is This Year’s Outstanding Contribution to Aviation Award Recipient

Marc Bailey, CEO of The British Business General Aviation Association, is this year’s recipient of the prestigious Michael Wheatley Award for Outstanding Services to Aviation.  Marc celebrates 15 years steering the largest national business aviation association in Europe, following a four-decade career working with blue-chip aerospace organizations, including British Airways and Cobham.  He started his career as a technician apprentice with BA predecessor BOAC at London Heathrow.

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Wally Epton, Distinguished Aviator, Receives BBGA’s Outstanding Contribution to Aviation Award

Wally Epton, Distinguished Aviator, Receives BBGA’s Outstanding Contribution to Aviation Award

Wally Epton, who has contributed six decades of exemplary service to the aviation industry in civil and defense roles, is this year’s recipient of the British Business and General Aviation Association’s prestigious Michael Wheatley Award for Outstanding Services to the general aviation industry. BBGA Chair Aoife O’Sullivan presented him with the accolade at the Association’s annual conference and AGM on March 7th at London’s Leonardo Hotel, St Paul’s, to an audience of 140 plus industry peers.

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