Popular NBAA-BACE Career Fair Returns to Connect Employers, Top Candidates

As business aviation continues to grapple with workforce shortage projections, the National Business Aviation Association’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) will again host a Career Fair to connect companies and leading industry talent.

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NBAA-BACE Collegiate Connect to Inspire Tomorrow’s Business Aviation Workforce

Career opportunities in business aviation are limitless and provide substantial growth potentional for young professionals. This message will be on display during the 2024 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) Collegiate Connect program, which will shine the spotlight on all the industry has to offer.

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NBAA Tells Congress: Workforce Growth Key to Continued US Aviation Leadership

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) today highlighted the need to redouble the focus on attracting the next generation of industry professionals as a national priority and urged Congress to ensure that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) effectively implements plans contained in the agency’s newly enacted reauthorization to build a workforce that preserves America’s global aviation leadership.

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Industry Leader Andrew Broom Joins NBAA; Damato, Carr Elevated to SVP Positions

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has announced that Andrew Broom will join the organization as its new Senior Vice President for Strategy, Marketing and Innovation. The association also elevated two veteran leaders, Jo Damato and Doug Carr, to new positions.
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