OneWeb Confirms Successful Deployment of 40 Satellites Launched With SpaceX

OneWeb has confirmed the successful deployment of 40 satellites launched by SpaceX, from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The launch is OneWeb’s 15th to date and its second since resuming its campaign with a successful launch from India in October, putting the company on track to deliver global coverage in 2023.

Lift-off took place on Thursday, 8 December 2022 at 5:27 pm ET. OneWeb’s satellites separated successfully from the rocket and were dispensed in 3 phases over a period of 1 hour and 35 minutes, with signal acquisition on all 40 satellites confirmed.

With 502 satellites in orbit, OneWeb has almost 80% of its first-generation constellation completed – with only three more launches remaining to reach global coverage. Today’s launch is a significant milestone, as the company will be able to dramatically expand service and initiate connectivity solutions soon to all areas down to the 35th parallel north and south, which includes services across the US, Southern Europe and North Africa, Northern India, the Middle East, Japan, Southern Australia, South Africa and parts of South America.

OneWeb already has connectivity solutions active today in Alaska, Canada, the UK, Greenland and the wider Arctic area, with more locations coming online soon to provide internet connectivity to unserved and underserved rural and remote communities and businesses. Working through local partners such as telecommunications companies, internet service providers and local governments, OneWeb’s wholesale services can deliver high-speed, low-latency solutions for cellular backhaul, community Wi-Fi, remote enterprise use cases, and soon for the aviation and maritime industries.

OneWeb returns to the launchpad in early 2023 to launch its ‘Three to Global Reality’ campaign that will deliver its final satellites into its LEO constellation and activate coverage solutions globally. Today, OneWeb continues working with key distribution partners and customers to roll out connectivity solutions everywhere above 50 degrees north, where its services are already live.