NBAA Welcomes Nomination of Bryan Bedford as FAA Administrator

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) have welcomed President Trump’s nomination of pilot and aviation industry veteran Bryan Bedford to lead the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), noting Bedford’s proven organizational leadership, and the importance of a confirmed administrator in providing consistency and continuity at the agency.

“Bryan Bedford’s depth of experience as a business leader, his firsthand knowledge of aviation as a pilot and airline executive, and his reputation for innovation make him well qualified to serve as FAA administrator,” said NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen. “Upon his Senate confirmation, we look forward to working with Bryan as the FAA redoubles its focus on aviation safety, including the people, facilities and equipment in the National Airspace System.”

"NATA welcomes Bryan Bedford’s nomination as FAA Administrator. As a private pilot with commercial ratings and a seasoned executive in the airline industry, Bedford has firsthand knowledge of aviation operations, safety regulations, and workforce dynamics. Bedford’s direct experience dealing with pressing issues facing the FAA, such as pilot training standards, workforce shortages, and technological upgrades, makes him well-suited for the role. He also brings an understanding of the agency’s regulatory framework and decision-making processes, with a demonstrated willingness to seek solutions in regulatory debates," said NATA President and CEO Curt Castagna. "Bedford’s vast aviation experience signals an ability to oversee large-scale operations and growth, which will be valuable in modernizing the FAA’s aging infrastructure, addressing air traffic control challenges, and leading the FAA’s considerable workforce. NATA looks forward to working with Bedford and his team on addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities important to the business aviation sector."

Bedford, a pilot with more than three decades’ experience in aviation, serves as CEO of Republic Airways. He previously led Mesaba Airlines and Business Express Airlines. He holds commercial, multi-engine and instrument pilot ratings.