NBAA Welcomes Holger Krahmer as EBAA Secretary-General

National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen welcomes the appointment of Holger Krahmer as secretary-general of the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA). The EBAA announced that Krahmer will fully assume the position starting Jan. 1, 2024.

“NBAA joins the rest of the aviation community in welcoming Holger Krahmer as EBAA secretary-general,” Bolen said. “Holger brings to the position a background in both government service and transportation-sector advocacy. His ability to leverage effective partnerships will serve the industry well, especially at a moment characterized by significant challenges and promising opportunities. We look forward to working with him and his team to advance our shared priorities in Europe and around the world.”

Krahmer succeeds previous EBAA Secretary-General Athar Husain Khan, who passed away earlier this year. In its announcement about Krahmer’s appointment, EBAA noted that his background includes service in the European Parliament, followed by leadership positions in the automotive sector including Opel/Groupe PSA and Mercedes-Benz. Previously, he worked in the banking sector, including positions with Commerzbank and Berliner Bank.

Since 2001, NBAA and EBAA have partnered each year in the production of the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva, Switzerland. The premier annual event for the European business aviation community, EBACE brings together professionals from all corners of the business aviation sector in Europe and from around the world. 

The two associations have long collaborated on issues impacting the industry on both sides of the Atlantic, including those pertaining to safety, security, sustainability, workforce development and other concerns.