NATA and NBAA Recognize Acting FAA Administrator Billy Nolen's Service to Aviation Industry

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) extended their appreciation to Billy Nolen following media reporting that Nolen intends to step down as Acting Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) later this year.

“NATA thanks Billy Nolen for his service as Acting FAA Administrator and wishes him the best. Nolen’s unwavering commitment to continuous safety improvement, meaningful industry collaboration, and workforce recruitment fit for the future has served us all well and sets a solid foundation for those who will follow. We look forward to continued work with the FAA to further his efforts to foster a culture of safety through SMS advancement, unlock the potential of data-sharing in creating a more predictive safety system, and empower the advent of new technologies,” stated NATA President and CEO Curt Castagna.

“Billy Nolen has stepped in and provided essential leadership at a critical time for our industry,” NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen said. “As acting administrator, he has been an effective collaborator, always accessible to everyone and intensely focused on safety. We are grateful for his leadership and look forward to working with him through his transition, and as he embarks on the next chapter in his remarkable story.”

Nolen was named FAA safety chief in January 2022, and appointed acting administrator later that year. A former commercial airline captain, he has held several industry safety roles, including as senior vice president for safety, security and operations at Airlines for America and executive manager for group safety and health at Qantas Airways.

Prior to coming to the FAA, Nolen served as vice president for safety, security and quality for Canada’s WestJet Airlines. He also led the Aviation Safety Action Program at American Airlines.

Nolen is a U.S. Army veteran fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter pilot. He holds a Bachelor of Science in professional aeronautics from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and specialized aviation safety management certificates from the University of Southern California, U.S. Army Safety Center and the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School.

Nolen was a featured speaker at the 2022 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE), joining European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) executive director Patrick Ky for the show’s opening day keynote session, in which the two discussed the shared, trans-Atlantic priorities for business aviation.