First NBAA PDP Course Co-Hosted With Regional Group a Win on Every Level

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the Utah Business Aviation Association (UBAA) cheered the success of the association’s first Professional Development Program (PDP) course co-hosted with a regional business aviation group as a model for helping industry professionals invest in their careers, with access to world-class content provided in their local communities.

Duncan Aviation recently hosted the NBAA PDP course at its Provo, UT, facility in conjunction with the UBAA Fall 2023 Hot Topics Luncheon. The combined events saw more than 50 attendees from Utah and surrounding states come together for networking, sharing best practices and engaging in discussions related to safety, airspace and advocacy. The NBAA PDP Course “SMS for Business Aviation,” was taught by Daniel Prather, Ph.D., D.B.A., A.A.E., CAM, and offered participants Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) credit for the one-day session.

“We at NBAA are truly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with UBAA and Duncan Aviation for working with us to develop this innovative way to deliver new educational opportunities to aspiring professionals who may not be able to attend other NBAA events in distant locations,” said NBAA Regional Director Kristi Ivey, CAM. “This event showed that if you can give us a few hours’ investment of time, we can offer an opportunity that can build your career.

NBAA is working with local and regional groups, as well as the NBAA regional directors, to continue to bring PDP courses and professional development opportunities to members throughout the country.

“NBAA is excited to see how we can provide opportunities for our members to grow in their business aviation careers right in the communities where they live and work,” said NBAA Senior Manager, Professional Development Molly Hitch. “PDP courses offer opportunities for members to invest in their personal and professional development while earning credit toward CAM applications and recertifications.

Learn more about NBAA’s Professional Development Program

Learn more about NBAA’s CAM program

If your regional group is interested in hosting a PDP, please contact your regional director or Molly Hitch at