Aviation Carbon Sustainability Event Returns for Its 12th Year

Aviation Carbon www.aviationcarbon.aero, the longest-running aviation sustainability conference, returns on November 6-7, 2023, at the London Heathrow Marriott. Over 300 industry delegates, including 100-plus airlines/operators, from over 70 countries and five continents will engage on topics including sustainability-linked finance and ESG (environmental, social and governance) and industry progress on carbon removal technology, carbon emissions compliance and carbon markets.

Also new this year will be coverage of the Non-CO2 impacts of aviation on the climate, which has seen increasing interest by policymakers as well as potential technical and operational measures being developed to mitigate the net warming impacts of contrails.

“Having set a net zero emissions by 2050 target, the sector is facing a huge challenge on a global scale to meet it.  Aviation Carbon 2023 will bring together the many stakeholders involved in finding solutions and taking the actions that are required,” said Christopher Surgenor, Programme Director of Aviation Carbon Events and Editor of GreenAir News.

“We look forward to welcoming over 60 expert speakers from industry, government, global consultancies and environmental groups who will share their knowledge and insights with our delegates coming from around the world for another stand-out, two-day event,” he added.

The agenda will cover the latest updates on SAF (sustainable aviation fuel) including sessions on SAF mandates, production targets, certification, offtake agreements and Book and Claim with contributions from Air bp, IATA, Airlines4Europe, American Express, Microsoft and the UK Department for Transport among others.

Jonathan Counsell, Group Head of Sustainability, International Airlines Group (IAG); will join an early session on day one, titled ‘Aviation leadership – Driving the energy transformation’ moderated by Nancy Young, Chief Sustainability Officer, Gevo, with panellists from the Latin American and the Caribbean Air Transport Association (ALTA); European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) and Airlines for America.

Further highlights include a session on green hydrogen and E-Kerosene as a potential long-term solution to the future of aviation fuels. Moderator, Aoife O’Leary, CEO Opportunity Green and Director of the SASHA Coalition will be joined by panelists from Icelandair, Transport & Environment, IdunnH2 and Renewable Aviation and SAF+ Consortium.

Moderated by Eduardo Mariz from Ishka, the conference will explore the important topic of ESG in a session titled: ‘How can airlines and aircraft operators develop an ESG strategy?’ He will be joined by panelists including Celine Hourcade, Managing Director, Change Horizon and TIACA Sustainability Program and Co-Founder & President of Women in Aviation & Logistics; Patrick Edmond, Managing Director, Altair Advisory; and Nikhil Sachdeva, Global Lead for Sustainable Aviation, Roland Berger.

The event will conclude with a session moderated by Shashank Nigam, Founder and CEO SimpliFlying, focused on developing the aircraft of the future for a net zero world with contributions from Sarah Brodie, Captain and Flight Operations Sustainability Manager, British Airways, Andy Reynolds, Head of ZEROe Hydrogen Storage and Distribution Systems, Airbus and James McMicking, Chief Strategy Officer, ZeroAvia.

A networking and evening reception will conclude day one of the conference, sponsored by Platinum Sponsor, Vitol.

Aviation Carbon will appeal to those working in departments responsible for policy, finance, operations, fuel, legal, regulatory, ESG and sustainability. Other stakeholders will also benefit including policymakers, regulators, fuel and energy companies, NGOs and carbon market professionals, consultants, researchers and aviation media.

Registrations are still available at: https://www.aviationcarbon.aero/2023-registration/