ACSF Welcomes Mercy Flights Inc. to its Membership and Aviation Safety Action Program

The Air Charter Safety Foundation (, a non-profit organization that supports the highest safety standards for more than 310 aviation-focused businesses, charter and fractional operators, announced today that Mercy Flights Inc., of Medford, Oregon, has become its newest member. Additionally, the company will participate in the ACSF’s third-party facilitation of the FAA’s voluntary Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP).

In welcoming Mercy Flights Inc. to the ACSF membership, ACSF President Bryan Burns noted the rapidly increasing number of aviation-related companies joining the ACSF, and their rationale for doing so. “The increasing criticality of aviation safety is prompting greater and greater numbers of companies to seek out the optimal means of establishing solid safety standards and programs in their organizations. We’re very gratified to see that companies like Mercy Flights are opting to join the ACSF ranks, precisely because they know that what we provide is critical to their operation.” 

The ACSF’s Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) is a voluntary program administered in conjunction with the FAA. It’s designed to help operators identify, report and resolve potential safety issues without fear of reprisal from the FAA. (The FAA takes a nonpunitive approach to ASAP-accepted reports.)

Sheila Clough, Mercy Flights’ CEO, said that she is delighted her company has aligned itself with the ACSF and its Aviation Safety Action Program. “Our long-term strategic plan is designed to build on Mercy Flights’ strengths, and open doors to discover innovative ways in which we can serve as leaders and role models in our industry,” Clough noted. “Addressing safety through the auspices of the ACSF and its ASAP is one more extremely important milestone in that plan and our mission.”

The ASAP was created to help flight operators identify and reduce possible flight safety concerns and mitigate risks. It’s an easy, open, self-reporting initiative offering. The program also includes tracking and corrective action recommendations to help organizations enhance and improve their overall safety culture.

ACSF member companies can use ASAP as a stand-alone safety program or as a key component of their safety management system (SMS). 

To learn more about the ACSF and its member benefits, visit To learn more about the Aviation Safety Action Program, visit