NBAA Marks Passing of Longtime Aviation Advocate Rep. Don Young

National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen hailed U.S. House Rep. Don Young (R-AK) for his steadfast service to his country, and his passionate commitment to promoting aviation, upon news of the long-tenured congressman’s passing March 18 at age 88.

“Don Young was a vigorous advocate for our nation’s aviation industry throughout his five decades in Congress, including through his support for multiple initiatives to bolster aviation infrastructure and to build our industry’s next-generation workforce,” Bolen said. “We join with the congressman’s family, friends and peers in mourning his loss.”

A longtime member of the House General Aviation (GA) Caucus, Young was among the co-sponsors of the “Promoting Service In Transportation Act,” legislation first introduced in 2020 to promote transportation careers and support industries like business aviation as a critical piece of America’s economic comeback from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last May, Young joined with House T&I Committee Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Rick Larsen (D-2-WA) and Rep. Angie Craig (D-2-MN) to reintroduce the NBAA-supported measure, which was signed into law by President Joe Biden in November 2021 as part of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Young served as chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure from 2001-2007 and was a longtime member of the committee’s aviation subcommittee. Among Young’s other accomplishments was securing passage of H.R. 2115, the “Vision 100 – The Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act,” which was signed into law in December 2003.

First elected to serve as Alaska’s at-large representative in a 1972 special election, Young was the oldest and longest-serving member of Congress at time of his death.