New Partnership Will Make NBAA-BACE One of the Largest Carbon-Neutral Aviation Events in the World

The 2021 National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) is set to become one of the world’s largest carbon-neutral events next month, based on a new partnership with 4AIR, a leader in aviation sustainability solutions.

NBAA has joined with 4AIR to fund a portfolio of carbon-offset credits that will mitigate NBAA-BACE attendee travel to and from the convention and the greenhouse gas emissions at the event itself. The Boston-based company offers private aviation sustainability solutions beyond just simple carbon neutrality to address climate impacts of all types with a simplified and verifiable path to achieve meaningful aircraft emissions counteraction and reduction using carbon markets, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, new technologies and other strategies.

All carbon credits through 4AIR are verified through leading international standards that validate, issue, and register credits, including the American Carbon Registry, Climate Action Reserve, Verified Carbon Standard and The Gold Standard.

Conference attendees can vote on the CO2-reducing projects that will be supported through the carbon credits. They can choose from:

  • Wind energy produced in Oklahoma
  • A forest management project in Massachusetts
  • Greenhouse gas emissions reduced in Florida during the production of materials used in automotive and aircraft manufacturing

Learn more about NBAA-BACE.