Launch of Av8jet Charter

Av8jet Ltd, has launched a new sister company, Av8jet Charter Ltd, based in Malta to operate Charter flights for its European clients and host aircraft for its growing client base.

The first aircraft added to its Air Operator Certificate is a Piaggio Avanti II, P180, which has a new VIP interior fitted by AeroVisto Interior Services AG in Switzerland. The Piaggio Avanti II is perfect for charter clients, due to the cabin size, being the same width and height as a Hawker, yet uses up to 40% less fuel for comparable speeds and distances, therefore much cheaper to operate per hour. With a reduced carbon footprint, the P180 is perfect as sustainability now becomes important for us all.

Av8jet are unique in providing a range of aircraft management services as well as developing their own proprietary software Management System which includes SMS, Fatigue Safety Management, Flight Scheduling and Document control as well as a comprehensive e-learning Training platform for other Part CAT and NCC operators.

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