NBAA Thanks FAA’s Bahrami For a Career Characterized by Thoughtful, Effective Leadership

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) thanks Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety Ali Bahrami for his decades-long service at the agency. Bahrami recently announced his retirement, effective June 30.

In particular, NBAA applauds Bahrami’s unique focus on pioneering risk-based safety programs. His perspectives have been especially valuable in providing informed, yet nimble responses to the sector’s challenges in facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Ali’s tireless leadership and constant focus on continued improvement and innovation in safety thinking has undoubtedly made aviation safer,” said Doug Carr, NBAA’s senior vice president of safety, security, sustainability and international operations. “While providing critical guidance in this pandemic year, he has kept his eye on the horizon, with his unwavering support for data-driven programs such as ASIAS [Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing system], and other programs to ensure that risks to safety are data-driven, analyzed and shared.

Barhami served at the FAA for almost 28 years, joining the agency in 1989 as an engineer, and eventually serving as manager of the Transport Airplane Directorate for almost a decade. He joined the Aerospace Industries Association in 2013 before returning to the FAA in his current role in 2017.