NBAA’s New AAM Roundtable Will Advocate for Interests of On-Demand Air Mobility Sector

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has formed a new Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Roundtable, a forum for high-level policy planning with sector leaders, to chart a course for the integration of AAM technologies into the nation’s airspace and infrastructure. 

The NBAA AAM Roundtable will provide a voice for original equipment manufacturers developing electric vertical takeoff and landing transport (eVTOL) vehicles and other systems, with regard to airport access, airspace management, local community engagement and other critical priorities.

Founding members of NBAA’s AAM Roundtable include Eve Air Mobility, Hillwood Aviation, Hyundai UAM, Joby Aviation, Lilium and Wisk.

The inaugural meeting of the AAM took place in February 2021, with additional meetings planned throughout the year. Companies interested in participating in the AAM Roundtable are encouraged to contact NBAA Senior Vice President, Government Affairs Christa Lucas at