Alante Air Joins the Air Charter Safety Foundation and its Aviation Safety Action Program

The Air Charter Safety Foundation ( welcomes the Scottsdale, Arizona-based charter operator Alante Air Charter Inc. ( as its newest member company, and a participant in the ACSF’s Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP).

Hamilton is likewise enthusiastic about his company participating in the ASAP, which is jointly administered by ACSF and the FAA. The ASAP is designed to help foster a voluntary, cooperative, nonpunitive environment for the self-reporting of any events or concerns that could affect the safety of a flight. Flight department employees (pilots, aviation mechanics/engineers, dispatchers, schedulers and others ) use the ASAP to personally report significant safety concerns and issues. The ASAP ensures that they can do so without fear of losing their jobs or being reprimanded by the FAA and losing their certificates, as long as certain conditions are met.

The ACSF is a non-profit organization with more than 250 member companies. Its mission is to lead and support the advancement of the highest safety standards available; to enable the business, charter and fractional ownership industry to offer the safest air transportation products in the world; and to provide objective information about these standards and services to the public.

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