NATA Commits to Being Certified Carbon-Neutral

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has committed to being certified carbon-neutral, signaling NATA’s ongoing commitment to sustainability within its own operations and throughout the wider aviation community.

An industry leader in the sustainable aviation movement, NATA is a founding member of the Business Aviation Coalition for Sustainable Aviation Fuel and the Council on Sustainable Fuels Accountability. Within its own membership, NATA provides aviation businesses the guidance and resources to reduce carbon emissions through multiple means, including adoption of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), biodiesel, electrification, and solar energy, as well as the use of carbon offsets. In 2020, NATA established an Environment Committee to support the industry’s long-held goal to expand access to aviation while embracing technological advancements and sound policies that promote a cleaner future.

Today, NATA is pleased to announce that the Association has committed to being carbon neutral for 2020 and moving forward. NATA is evaluating its own operations, taking measures to reduce direct and indirect carbon emissions, and investing in independently certified reforestation efforts to offset remaining carbon output.

Working across all aspects of internal operations, NATA continues to target areas to reduce energy use and enact sustainable practices. The Association is finalizing analysis of its scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions—accounting for factors such as purchased utilities, business travel, and employee commuting—which will allow NATA to determine its carbon footprint and purchase equivalent carbon offsets verified and certified by internationally accepted standards.  

NATA’s move to a neutral carbon footprint is one of a number of ways the Association is approaching sustainability in its operations, from efforts to become a paperless office to adoption of a hybrid work model. Implementing a digital membership process, launching the online Aviation Business Journal, offering paperless safety and training resources to our membership, embracing virtual events, and enacting sustainable practices at in-person events contribute to NATA’s achievement of its sustainability goals.