New Council on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accountability

To build on its scope of activities for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the aviation industry is establishing the Council on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accountability (CoSAFA), to accelerate the decarbonization of aviation and increase the adoption of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

The global aviation industry currently accounts for around 2 percent of man-made CO2 emissions. While most SAF transactions to date have involved a limited set of SAF producers and aircraft operators, there is increasing interest in multiple-party purchase and deployment agreements. CoSAFA represents a unified vision across the aviation industry for advancing consistent, accurate accounting practices documenting the production and use of SAF in such multi-party transactions – a crucial tool for further reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.

CoSAFA’s efforts will be led by a broad aviation industry Board of Directors, including representatives from Airlines for America (A4A), European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), National Air Transportation Association (NATA), and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

CoSAFA’s mission is to work through an orderly, global approach toward providing the necessary transparency for multi-party SAF transactions. CoSAFA standards will ensure transactional transparency, preventing double-counting of emissions savings and other potential accounting questions that could undermine market confidence and investments in the environmental benefits of SAF production and use.