Infrastructure Legislation Supports General Aviation’s Essential Services

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) have welcomed final passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that contains important measures championed by NBAA, including support of the aviation community’s efforts to attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Under the legislation passed by the Senate in August, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act injects $550 billion in new spending for America’s infrastructure, including investments to modernize the country’s transportation systems. Now that both chambers have passed the bill, it is expected to be signed shortly by President Biden.

The inclusion of the Promoting Services in Transportation Act into the infrastructure bill resulted from concerted efforts by lawmakers and industry. The public service campaigns are authorized for $5 million each fiscal year from 2022 to 2026 and will promote a broad array of transportation careers, including pilots, mechanics, and engineers. 

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes significant funding for the Airport Improvement Program, including $500 million for general aviation airports, and provides $5 billion to the FAA over the next five years for towers and other ATC facilities — including dedicated funds for the federal contract tower program.

The legislation also spurs next-generation transit programs, including the development of advanced air mobility (AAM). The Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program authorizes $100 million annual investments for cities to conduct demonstration projects for “smart city technologies” to improve transportation efficiency and safety.

AAM will provide sustainable transportation to a diverse set of communities and will continue to work with industry leaders through its recently formed Advanced Air Mobility Roundtable to heighten understanding of AAM as an integral part of forward-looking infrastructure policy.

View the full text of the bill.