ProAir-Charter-Transport GmbH is Now Climate Neutral

"If you think the economy is more important than the environment, try holding your breath while counting your money" -Dr. Guy McPherson

As a responsible company with over 25 years of corporate history, ProAir-Charter-Transport GmbH is facing up to the challenges of the present time. Everyone is talking about active climate protection and the time to act is now! As of now ProAir-Charter-Transport GmbH is climate neutral!

The independent certifiers of Climate Extender GmbH have drawn up a CO₂ balance sheet of ProAir-Charter-Transport GmbH and determined the CO₂ footprint. Calculated emissions, which include factors such as energy and water consumption and the commuting needs of all employees will be compensated annually.

Shares will be acquired in climate protection projects that are certified according to "gold standards", which aim to sustainably reduce greenhouse gases and support the UN's climate goals.

CO₂ savings ultimately mean more resource efficiency and thus lower operating costs, turning active environmental protection into a competitive advantage. "All our charter prices already include climate compensation and so our passengers fly climate-neutral. We are now a pioneer in our industry - something we can be proud of,” explains Managing Director Thomas Godau.