Seamless Air Alliance Closes the Loop on Delivering Premium Inflight Connectivity Services

Following its completion of the world's first inflight connectivity (IFC) standard and OpenIFC API, Seamless Air Alliance has announced the completion of Seamless Release 3.

Seamless Release 3 (SR3) provides another industry-first with a series of breakthrough discoveries for measuring and managing the IFC experience.

SR3 defines an automatic control system that compares QoS, QoE, and user experience (UX) measures against an acceptable IFC product performance level. Any difference is used to adjust network resources to achieve the desired IFC experience, with minimum resources, in a closed-loop manner.

In total 46 industry participants carried out the work to complete SR3. In addition to development of a new closed-loop transfer function, the group defined 96 new IFC measures that advance the management and control of inflight connectivity.

With support of a major U.S. carrier, Seamless Air Alliance will demonstrate a secure and seamless connection to high-performance inflight Wi-Fi and discuss how the IFC transfer function developed in SR3 improves passenger connectivity at APEX EXPO 2021 in Stand 713 in Long Beach, CA, November 30-December 2, 2021.

The next Seamless Air Alliance Members Meeting will take place on November 29, 2021, in Long Beach, CA. Seamless Air Alliance specifications are contribution-driven by member companies. The Alliance welcomes additional industry leaders to join as members and gain access to SR3 and other Seamless Air Alliance standards. To learn more please visit