NBAA Awards 11 Scholarships to Students at NBAA-BACE

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), through NBAA Charities, offers a wide range of scholarships that support young people seeking careers in business aviation. This week at NBAA’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in Las Vegas, NV, 11 students will be receiving the following awards:

William M. Fanning Maintenance Scholarship

Named in honor of retired NBAA staff member William M. Fanning, who was active in maintenance issues during his nearly 20-year tenure at the association, the Fanning Scholarship recognizes individuals who are studying to enter the field of business aviation maintenance. This year’s recipients are:

  • Remington Prentice, a student at Lansing Community College majoring in aviation technology
  • Timothy Borden, a student at the School of Missionary Aviation Technology studying aviation maintenance

Fred and Diane Fitts Aviation Scholarship

Awards made available by Fred and Diane Fitts are presented to aspiring business aviation schedulers or dispatchers, maintenance professionals, pilots or flight attendants. The scholarship selection committee focused on applicants that are able to express their dedication to furthering the business aviation industry. This year’s recipients are:

  • Troy Ettenson, a student at Saint Louis University – Parks College studying aeronautics with a flight science concentration, planning to become a professional pilot
  • Jordan Burkett, a student at Utah State University studying operations management with a plan to become a scheduler and dispatcher
  • Charles Helmer, a student at Western Michigan University studying aviation technical operations with plans to become a maintenance professional
  • Delainy Reinard, a student at Palomar College with plans to become a corporate flight attendant

Lawrence Ginocchio Aviation Scholarship

The Lawrence Ginocchio Aviation Scholarship was created in 2001 by NBAA Charities, along with the family and friends of the late Lawrence Ginocchio, to honor his outstanding personal contribution to business aviation. This year’s recipients, selected for demonstrating honesty, integrity and selflessness, are:

  • Grace Kane, a student at Saint Louis University – Parks College majoring in aeronautics with a flight science concentration
  • Ivy Adams, a student at Middle Tennessee State University majoring in aerospace
  • Jamison McCarty, a student at Saint Louis University – Parks College studying aeronautics
  • Dylan Mardoian, a student at Western Michigan University studying aviation flight science and aviation management
  • Shelby Glissmeyer, a student at Utah Valley University studying global aviation

To learn more about the numerous scholarship opportunities offered by NBAA Charities, contact Molly Hitch, senior manager of professional development, at (202) 783-9353 or Learn more about NBAA’s scholarship program.