NBAA-Backed Workforce, Modernization Provisions Included in House Appropriations Bill

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has applauded the House Committee on Appropriations for recognizing the importance of aviation in shaping the country’s future and for supporting business aviation’s efforts to attract a diverse and inclusive workforce.

The committee’s approval of the fiscal 2021 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) funding bill advances key legislative priorities for NBAA, while providing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with robust funding for its programs and operations. Also, the House recently passed the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act, advancing NBAA-supported priorities, including infrastructure programs and workforce development initiatives.

NBAA-supported language in the report accompanying the appropriations bill identifies the importance of the association’s effort to create a new public service announcement program within the Department of Transportation to attract a diverse and inclusive generation of transportation workers. “Transportation is the backbone of the national economy,” the House Committee on Appropriations report noted. “Therefore, the Committee encourages the Department to consider initiatives that could increase the number and diversity of the transportation workforce … and to focus on engaging the next generation on potential careers in transportation.”

Learn more about the Transportation Workforce Public Service Campaign.

To reinforce this commitment, the House Committee on Appropriations report provides $10 million to enhance aviation maintenance technician and aviation workforce development programs and $7.5 million for the Minority Serving Institutions internship program.

The appropriations bill also addressed an important privacy concern for NBAA and the general aviation community, by requiring the FAA maintain its Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) program, which allows owners and operators to block a non-commercial aircraft’s registration number from real-time tracking. Learn more about the LADD program.

The committee also applauded the NextGen Advisory Committee’s (NAC’s) contribution to air traffic control modernization. It directed the FAA to deliver an annual update on the status of NAC recommendations to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations.

“With the House Committee on Appropriation’s successful markup of the fiscal 2021 THUD appropriations bill, congressional leaders are sending a clear message that the success and growth of general aviation are crucial to our nation’s economic recovery and future growth,” said Ed Bolen, NBAA President and CEO.

“I applaud Chairwoman Lowey, Ranking Member Kay Granger (D-12-TX), Subcommittee Chairman David Price (D-4-NC) and Ranking Member Mario Diaz-Balart (R-25-FL), and the full committee for their efforts to chart a successful path for general aviation that includes modernized infrastructure and a diverse and growing transportation workforce,” he added.

With the successful markup of the fiscal 2021 THUD Appropriations Act, the bill will now continue moving through the legislative process. NBAA encourages all members to support this legislation through the association’s Contact Congress resources.

NBAA is dedicated to bolstering the business aviation workforce of today and developing and diversifying the next generation of industry leaders. Learn more about the organization’s workforce initiatives.