NBAA, NATA Welcome FAA’s Standardized Curriculum for On-Demand Training

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and National Air Transportation Association (NATA) welcome the release of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidance on a new standardized curriculum for Part 135 training that will improve safety and increase administrative efficiencies for on-demand operators.

Review FAA Advisory Circular 142-1, Standardized Curricula Delivered by Part 142 Training Centers.

The advisory circular streamlines the relationship between Part 142 training centers and on-demand air carriers, and reduces inefficiencies in the approvals and qualification processes. The guidance also creates a Training Standardization Working Group composed of industry and FAA experts that will develop standardized training procedures for the most common aircraft types.

The guidance was developed by the FAA after NBAA, NATA, Part 135 operators and training centers recommended the concept through the Air Carrier Training Aviation Rulemaking Committee.

The standardized curricula are voluntary and Part 135 operators can continue with their current training programs. However, the FAA anticipates most Part 135 operators will choose to use standardized curricula and training centers that promote safety, enable continuous improvement through data analysis data and increase administrative efficiency. The concept also supports the National Transportation Safety Board’s initiative to increase safety in Part 135 operations.