NBAA-Requested Treasury Payroll Support Relief to GA Air Carriers Begins

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) welcomed news that the U.S. Department of the Treasury has begun making payments to many of the small and mid-sized general aviation air-carriers, including FAR Part 135 charter operators struggling with the unprecedented financial challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Apr. 20, Treasury made the first payroll support program payments to approved applicants, among them many Part 135 charter operators. All funds provided under the program can be used only for the continuation of payment of employee wages, salaries, and benefits. The program was launched following implementation of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act on March 27.

NBAA has strongly advocated for general aviation air carriers as Treasury implemented the payroll support program. In a Mar. 31 letter, the association explained to Treasury that initial guidance on the payroll support program presented challenges for general aviation businesses, as specific requirements were structured for the major scheduled airlines. Review the joint Mar. 31 letter sent by NBAA and the National Air Transportation Association to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin. On April 10, the department issued guidance responding directly to the association’s concerns, and providing essential flexibility for general aviation air carriers seeking payroll support.

As the COVID-19 virus has spread, charter operators across the country are reporting sharp drop-offs in flight requests and activity, in some cases by more than 75% over the same period last year. These operators are a critical part of the nation’s air transportation system- providing air medical transportation and delivering critical supplies and personnel across the country.