NATA Continues Fight for Relief for All Aviation Businesses

While the CARES Act, passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by President Trump, provides some assistance for small businesses in the form of loans and payroll relief, and provides relief for the airlines and airports with commercial airline service (with only $100 million to general aviation airports), it falls short in helping the immediate crisis facing thousands of aviation businesses that provide critical services to our infrastructure.

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) worked hard and was successful in getting Part 135 certificated charter operators and Part 145 MRO businesses included in the package provided to the airlines. Additionally, FBOs that provide ground handling services to commercial airlines are eligible for some relief. NATA was also successful in obtaining relief from the “ticket tax” and “fuel tax” for Part 135 operators. However, the bulk of relief provided by the Act aimed at aviation was written with commercial airlines in mind and, thus, imposes a number of conditions on the recipients of federal assistance that aviation businesses might find untenable.

To that end, NATA is continuing to develop and provide access to valuable industry resources and information on our webpage: