New ‘NBAA Insider Daily’ Has COVID-19 Guidance

The continuing spread of the COVID-19 virus is prompting a series of daily, even hourly announcements from authorities in government, medicine, aviation and elsewhere – all of which have evolving implications for business aviation travel and other key decision-making.

That’s why, for the duration of this uncertain period, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is launching a new, weekday-morning newsletter – NBAA Insider Daily – to bring members the latest original content and thought leadership from the association, as well as aviation news from trusted sources around the web. Issues will mail at 11 a.m., Monday through Friday.

Importantly, this news roundup will be customized to the interests of subscribers, because it’s based on a platform that curates information geared to their specific issue preferences and priorities. That means the newsletter will focus not just on COVID-19 news, but on broader, more enduring concerns, like ever-changing U.S. and international operations, new aviation-transport modes, trends in the industry marketplace and other priority issues.        

The product joins other recent additions to NBAA’s lineup of resources, including a regular NBAA News Hour webinar, featuring experts in the operations, medical, legal, technical and other fields providing guidance on a range of COVID-19-driven considerations facing the entrepreneurs and companies relying on business aviation. NBAA Insider Daily will replace the association’s weekly news roundup, NBAA Update.

NBAA members with feedback can contact NBAA’s Senior Vice President, Communications Dan Hubbard at


NBAA Update subscribers will automatically receive copies of NBAA Insider Daily unless they unsubscribe using the link provided at the bottom of the newsletter issues. NBAA members also may log in to adjust their My NBAA Profile communications preferences.

All members of the business aviation community who were not previously subscribed to the former NBAA Update newsletter are invited to subscribe to NBAA Insider Daily.