NBAA Welcomes Legislation to Build Aviation Workforce

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) lauded the introduction of U.S. Senate Bill 3360 – legislation to create a dedicated forum to foster collaboration between all segments of the nation’s aviation and aerospace industries, with a particular focus on workforce development.

The bipartisan measure, introduced Feb. 27 by U.S. Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), would establish the National Center for the Advancement of Aviation (NCAA) where stakeholders could work together to coordinate, promote and support the development of aviation and aerospace within the United States.

View the bill.

NBAA joined with more than 130 aviation trade and advocacy groups, commercial airlines, fractional and charter operators, pilots unions, state and airport representatives and other aviation stakeholders, representing hundreds of thousands of individuals, companies, schools and other entities involved in all segments of aviation and aerospace, in a letter expressing their support for the measure. Read the letter to lawmakers. (PDF)

Among the potential roles for the NCAA cited by those groups would be to provide STEM-focused resources to high school and collegiate curriculum developers; serve as a collaborative forum to leverage and share expertise amongst all industry sectors; function as a central repository for economic and safety data research and analysis; and support symposiums and conferences to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration across aviation and aerospace communities.