General Aviation’s Contribution to U.S. Economy Remains Strong

A group of seven general aviation associations today welcomed an updated study detailing the contributions of general aviation to the U.S. economy. The study, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, determined that general aviation supports a total 1,179,200 jobs and a total of $246.8 billion in total economic output in the U.S.

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), Aircraft Electronics Association (EAA), Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), Helicopter Association International (HAI), National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) sponsored the study, with the support from JETNET LLC. and Conklin & de Decker. Leaders of the associations expressed confidence in the study’s portrayal of the expanding breadth and depth of the general aviation industry.

To determine the total U.S. economic impact of general aviation, the study calculated the direct, indirect, induced and enabled economic impacts, based on the most recent data available from 2018. 

Review the full PricewaterhouseCoopers study.