BBGA Welcomes Inbound Business Boost

The British Business General Aviation Association (BBGA) has welcomed the UK Government’s revised quarantine rules for bona fide business travelers flying in to do business with the UK. Effective December 5th, eligible business travelers, along with people working in entertainment, news and sports sectors will be exempt from the 14-day COVID-19 quarantine requirements in the UK.

Senior executives who will generate ‘significant economic benefit’ to the UK through work that ‘has a greater than 50% chance of creating or preserving at least 50 UK-based jobs to an existing UK business with at least 50 employees or to a new UK business within one year of their arrival,’ qualify.  So do those flying in to buy goods/services from a UK business with a minimum 50 employees, through a £100 million upwards contract or one that would create or preserve 50 or more jobs.