VBACE 2020 Sessions: The Industry’s Best Lineup of Strategic Thinkers

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has announced a robust slate of online sessions, specifically focused on navigating through and beyond a turbulent landscape, as a central part of the Virtual Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (VBACE), starting Dec. 2, 2020.

VBACE takes place as the COVID-19 pandemic presents daily, even hourly, considerations for crisis management, team cohesion and leadership endurance. That said, there is also a pressing need to keep the distant horizon in view – as always in aviation – when making mission plans and adjusting to changing situations.

NBAA’s state-of-the art platform for VBACE provides the most effective opportunity yet to hear from experts, understand the trends that could impact your business strategies and plan for next year and beyond.  

For example, VBACE participants will hear about what’s next in data-based safety management, environmentally sustainable flight operations, emerging cyber-security concerns, the changing role of maintenance professionals and best practices regarding diversity, equity and inclusion.

Experts will also discuss the quickly changing business aviation landscape, including new-entrant considerations: look for panelists to explain what new-charter clients want, what’s involved in jet card and fractional use, how to think through business jet ownership, and more.

Of course, topics central to this COVID moment – aircraft-sanitization considerations, touchless transactions and other pandemic-related issues – will also be VBACE touchstones.

Also new to VBACE are insightful Thought Leadership sessions from VBACE exhibitors and sponsors, covering a range of forward-thinking topics.

“This year has challenged people and companies in business aviation as never before,” said Mike Nichols CAM, CAE and senior vice president of strategy and innovation for NBAA. “VBACE is more than just an online gathering – it’s a way for us to think through this moment and move ahead, with a unique flight plan for 2021 and beyond.”

VBACE is free for NBAA members to attend, and will iinclude a robust, diverse and energized lineup of exhibitors, headline-driving day one and day two keynote presentations, news-making press conferences and more.

Learn more about VBACE.