Definitive Netflix Chronicler’s VBACE Keynote Will Reveal Secrets for Success in Ever-Changing Circumstances

In a year defined by disruption at every level, the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has announced that the co-author of a best-selling book about Netflix – a company that has thrived though continual changes in technology, consumer preferences and fierce competition – will serve as the Day 2 keynote speaker for the Virtual Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (VBACE).

Erin Meyer, who wrote the New York Times best-selling book “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention,” with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings, will discuss how the company’s emphasis on culture – including ever-evolving ways of thinking about leadership and success – has positioned Netflix among the nation’s most-innovative organizations, especially in this COVID-19 moment.

In her keynote, Meyer will lay out a three-step method – a roadmap for any organization – for building a business culture that promotes the kind of cross-organizational flexibility and creativity that has become the Netflix trademark.

Netflix, today a household name, has seen its subscription rates, viewing hours and stock value soar, in large measure because of its readiness to embrace unconventional thinking, especially in the face of daunting headwinds for its business.

VBACE, which will take place Dec. 2-3, will be the most immersive virtual business aviation event to date, including a digital show floor, robust exhibitor lineup, timely education sessions, a host of networking opportunities and more.