NBAA’s New, Virtual 2021 Conferences: Equipping Industry for Success, in COVID Moment and Beyond

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has announced two new, virtual events for the first quarter of 2021, which will bring people together with speakers, educational content and other offerings that will provide a roadmap for surviving, and even thriving, in an ever-changing environment. The new events will take the place of the in-person conferences planned for Q1 2021.

NBAA’s new Flight Operations Conference, scheduled for Feb. 23-25, will gather schedulers, dispatchers, pilots and others focused on mission planning, including for international operations. Separately, the association’s new Leadership Summit, taking place March 24-25, will bring together current and emerging business aviation innovators.

These new, virtual NBAA GO events will be hosted on the most advanced and immersive technology platform our industry has seen. The platform will allow attendees, presenters, sponsors and exhibitors to network strategically through direct person-to-person meeting rooms, virtual 3D exhibit booths and dedicated subject matter lounges.

Nichols noted that sessions featured at the NBAA GO Flight Operations Conference will focus on a range of essential topics, including in-depth weather planning, tax compliance, charter operations, new protocols as we emerge from the pandemic and a world-wide review of constantly shifting international requirements for business aviation. Attendees will also have access to a dynamic exhibit hall, where a host of virtual exhibitors will feature new products, share information about how technologies and practices are evolving – in some cases on a permanent basis – and address ground and flight-planning support, technology solutions and other business aviation services.

Similarly, the NBAA GO Leadership Summit will address strategies for leading through challenging times and circumstances. The speakers will be recognized experts on topics including change leadership strategies, preserving team emotional intelligence, promoting health and well-being and ensuring connectivity and accountability. Several have authored widely acclaimed books, which will be provided in electronic or hard-bound format to Leadership Summit participants.

The NBAA GO events incorporate enhanced networking and attendee engagement in the conference program, including attendee guidance by industry leaders, bonus content offers and resources from speakers, peer-to-peer learning opportunities with a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion and content specifically designed for emerging leaders.

Learn more about the NBAA GO Flight Operations Conference and the NBAA GO Leadership Summit.