AirlineCert Hosts 2nd Annual Standards and Compliance Seminar

For the second year in a row, AirlineCert is hosting a two-day standards and best practices seminar.

This year there will be a standalone training event detailing new international procedures within a paperless flight deck, including the latest Data-Comm procedures. The international seminar will focus on operating in compliance of multiple regularity bodies (FAA/EASA/ICAO Differences) and, SAFA Check Requirements.

The FAA and NATA will be presenting the latest topics of interest for Part 91 and Part 135 operators, ranging from regulatory to NextGen. Day two will feature maintenance-related topics.

Methods of compliance (Operations and Maintenance), including the new features of AirlineCert’s cloud-based software, LevelFlight, will be demonstrated. The LevelFlight’s Cumulative Yearly Assessment (CYA) report will be of interest to every 135 Operator. The CYA Report offers a Risk Based assessment per leg.

Topics include:

  • SOPs
  • Regulatory Interpretation
  • Crew Reset requirements (135.267)
  • Pilot Deviations
  • OpSpecs updates
  • Using Software
  • CKA and Tracking
  • Internal Evaluation Program
  • Return to Service
  • AWR
  • Conformity
  • Managing Safety Management (SMS)
  • AMOC
  • Maintenance Providers Lists
  • OpSpecs D072 and D089
  • CASS
  • Safety Performance (SPI)
  • IEPs and Audits
  • RII
  • Mx Training
  • MEL and Deferred Tracking.
  • New GMM Procedures
  • SAFA Check requirements
  • All new international procedures

Contact for reservations.