NATA and NBAA Applaud Senate on Confirmation of FAA Administrator Stephen M. Dickson

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) welcome Senate approval of Steve Dickson’s nomination as administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

“Steve Dickson is a widely recognized senior aviation leader who’s been closely involved with the development of the NextGen Air Traffic Control System. The National Air Transportation Association looks forward to continued collaboration with FAA leadership to further our shared goals of safety, improving the national airspace system, and supporting aviation businesses,” stated NATA President Gary Dempsey.

“NBAA has had a close working relationship with Steve for many years, and we’re confident he’s the right man for the job,” NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen said. “Having a permanent Administrator at the FAA is key to ensuring the continued advancement of important work being done on aviation-system modernization, equipment certification, workforce development, safety and other top priorities.”

Dickson retired from Delta Air Lines after serving as a Captain and most recently as Senior Vice President-Flight Operations with oversight of the safety and operational performance of Delta’s global flight operations. He has served as chairman of several industry stakeholder groups and two Federal Advisory Committees: the Air Traffic Management Advisory Committee (ATMAC) and the NextGen Implementation Task Force. A former USAF Officer and F-15 fighter pilot, Dickson graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs and holds a law degree from the Georgia State University College of Law.