AsBAA Welcomes Increase of User Fees by CAAP

The Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA) welcomes the increase of user fees by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP).

The last increase of the user fees of the Philippine Government was 25 years ago. With the increase of user fees, CAAP can now hire additional Qualified and Trained Flight Operations and Airworthiness Inspectors and train them well to develop and improve systems in keeping with ever-evolving international safety standards.

Such hiring and training can take place well ahead of the increase of users’ fees. CAAP can then implement the new users’ fees on a staggered basis as the new improved services and Qualified and Trained Personnel (QTP) come online and are made available for improved safety standards in the Philippines.

AsBAA is highly supportive of the staggered users’ fees and will support any CAAP endeavor for safer skies in the Philippines.