Digital Disruption in Business Aviation

On the opening day of Revolution.Aero Europe, CharterPad President Armando Antonini spoke on the topic of digital disruption and its effect on business aviation today.

Armando began by addressing disruption as it applies to industries around the world today.

“There is no definition for disruption in the dictionary... It’s belief that technology is changing the way that industries and businesses operate.”

To highlight the kinds of disruption we are seeing in this highly digital age, Armando referred to companies such as Amazon and Netflix. The concept behind each of these organizations transforms the way that customers make purchases through the integration of new, smart technology.

“The issue becomes: how do we bring this all together? Our goal is to bring it together.”

Armando cited Click Aviation Network’s expertise as an example of how CharterPad is uniting the industry by integrating the aviation company’s intelligence on the operations side.

“We’ve been able to do a nice job domestically in the U.S., providing a trip matching tool. Not just something that’s a reactive system. Something more proactive - you taking control. The idea is that I don’t want to disrupt.”

By placing CharterPad users in the driver’s seat, Armando hopes to enhance the impact of the charter platform to go beyond trip matching and flight search in a way that contributes to the higher development of the aviation industry as a whole. For the charter sector in particular, Armando acknowledges the necessity of streamlining operations to connect major touchpoints seamlessly.

“We want to get all those touchpoints. And that’s part of the problem. It’s the touchpoints - there are so many touchpoints in charter.”

Armando went on to say that while a literal revolution may not be on the horizon, CharterPad is evolving, and through this evolution, the entire industry has the potential to be transformed.

“I think being a complete disrupter is very, very difficult… We want to work with everyone. We want to find out what it is that you need, what tools that we need to provide to make this easier. What can we do to get your aircraft off the ground? How can we allow you to optimize your fleets, optimize the viewing of your clients?”

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