Congress Fully Funds Aviation Workforce Development Programs for 2020

NATA recently applauded Congressional appropriators on the release the final text of a bipartisan, bicameral funding agreement for fiscal year 2020, which began on October 1st.  The legislation appropriates a total budget of just over $17 billion for the Federal Aviation Administration, with most programs funded above the level of the President’s FY2020 budget request. Aviation workforce development programs, a top NATA priority, will receive full funding at the authorized level of $10 million. The bill also provides robust funding for the Airport Improvement Program at the $3.35 billion level as authorized, and an additional $400 million from the general fund.

Contained in the legislation is $10 million for a workforce development grant program that provides grants of up to $500,000 that can be used to by schools, companies, unions, or state/local governments to fund curriculum development, instructor training, equipment purchase, apprenticeships, and recruitment activities. 

Congressional appropriators voiced confidence that the legislation would be enacted by week’s end.