ARGUS Integrates Amstat Data Into its TRAQPak Product Line

ARGUS International, Inc. is proud to announce its recent integration for the entire TRAQPak product line will be with AMSTAT operator information. In addition to having the most innovative flight tracking software on the market, the addition of AMSTAT contact details makes the TRAQPak product suite the most complete aviation market intelligence tool available.

Using TRAQPak, customers gain access to interactive and searchable arrival and departure grids, can identify flight activity using market-specific reports, or view traffic for their airport or operation and competing airports or operators.  The integration will provide users with real-time operator information in more detail than previous versions, and it will be paired seamlessly with TRAQPak’s industry-leading flight data analysis. The AMSTAT integration will be offered as a complimentary upgrade to existing users.

“This change to our core market intelligence products allows ARGUS to provide a higher quality of information to our clients,” said ARGUS CEO and President Joe Moeggenberg. “This new integration makes all of our market intelligence offerings even more versatile in how it can empower our customers to grow their operation.”

“This is a real market share differentiator for our market intelligence products, and our customers will appreciate this upgrade to all products,” added EVP of Market Intelligence, Shirly Mason.

AMSTAT is a provider of market information to the business aviation industry. AMSTAT provides data on the worldwide fleet of corporate aviation aircraft and turbine helicopters. The data includes aircraft sale status, owners and contact lists, aircraft transactional data, and fractional ownership information.

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