Government Shutdown Continues – FY2019 Transportation Funding Passes House

As the ongoing government shutdown approaches its fourth week, Congress and President Trump are at an impasse over funding for border security, halting progress for FY2019 funding for numerous departments, including the Department of Transportation (DOT). On January 10th, the House passed legislation (H.R. 267) to fund the DOT for the fiscal year, providing $17.7 billion to the Federal Aviation Administration through September 30th. The bill, which also includes funding for the Departments of Agriculture and Housing/ Urban Development, now heads to the Senate—where leadership has suggested it will not receive floor time. President Trump has also threatened to veto any appropriations bills that come to his desk until he receives funding for the border wall. Stay up to date on the status of the government shutdown and FY2019 DOT funding by following NATA on our social media accounts.